Tạp chí

TINH DẦU LÁ ỔI “XÁ LỊ RUỘT TRẮNG” VÀ KHẢ NĂNG DIỆT RẦY CHỔNG CÁNH (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 14, số 1/2009)

TINH DẦU LÁ ỔI “XÁ LỊ RUỘT TRẮNG” VÀ KHẢ NĂNG DIỆT RẦY CHỔNG CÁNH (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 14, số 1/2009)

Guava Leaf Oil (Psidium gujava Linn.)

and Its Diaphorina citri Insecticidal Acticvity

“Xa li ruot trang” guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) leaf oil and its Diaphorina citri insecticidal activity were described in this paper. This essential oil was collected from hydrodistillation activated by conventional heating and microwave irradiation. Chemical composition (β-caryophyllene, 55%; oxide caryophyllene, 10%; α-caryophyllene, 9%) and physico-chemical properties were determined. The antimicrobibial activity was studied on three bacteria and one fungus. The insecticidal activity of this leaf oil was tested strictly on Diaphorina citri K. in the laboratory conditions. The results proved that the consideration of the farmer of orangery, on activity against orange tree’s insect of the guava tree, was accurate.

Keywords: guava leaf oil, Psidium guajava Linn., Diaphorina citri K., insecticide, β-caryophyllene.

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