Ấn phẩm

Binary Ethosomes for Enhancing Skin Delivery of Rutin by Solvent Injection (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 29, số 6/2024)

Journal of Medicinal Materials, 2024, Vol. 29, No. 6 (pp. 377 - 384)



Nguyen Hong Van1,*, Phan Huu Phuoc1, Nguyen Xuan Tung2

1Life Sciences Department, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam

2VNU University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam

*Corresponding author: chodomthanyeu@gmail.com

(Received November 05th, 2024)


Binary Ethosomes for Enhancing Skin Delivery of Rutin by Solvent Injection

Rutin, a natural extract from buckwheat, tea, and apple, has powerful pharmacological properties, especially antioxidant effects. However, the bioactivity of rutin is limited since it has low solubility and poor permeability. Nanovesicles, especially ethosomes, have been a non-invasive drug carrier for skin delivery with high entrapment efficiency and stability. In this research, the simple solvent injection was used to fabricate classical ethosomes, and binary ethosomes. Various polyols, like propylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol, and glycerol at different ratios were investigated in rutin binary ethosome preparation. Then, rutin ethosomes were characterized by physical properties, loading efficiency, drug release, and short-term stability. The optimum binary ethosomes were made from the mixture of ethanol and glycerol at the ratio of 3:7. Rutin binary ethosomes had a lower size than classical ethosomes and better stability during 30 days. Rutin ethosomes posed sustained release through dialysis membrane and mouse skin and significantly improved the drug release in the Franz cell model. Therefore, binary ethosomes could be considered as potential nanovesicles to deliver rutin via the skin route.

Keywords: Ethosomes, Classical ethosomes, Binary ethosomes, Skin delivery, Rutin.

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