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Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của phương pháp chế biến vị thuốc Hoàng liên đến tác dụng sinh học

Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của phương pháp chế biến vị thuốc Hoàng liên đến tác dụng sinh học

Study of the influence of traditional processing methods on the biological effects of   Coptis chinensis roots

The LD50 of unprocessed and processed Coptis chinensis roots has been determined, the results showed that LD50 of processed Coptis increased by 142% compared with unprocessed one. The experimental results showed that only processed Coptis had choleretic effect, and the effect of traditionally ginger processed is better. All Coptis liquid extracts had antipyretic effect, among them liquid extract of traditionally ginger processed had better effect, 1g/kg of it had antipyretic effect nearly equivalent to that of 0,1g/kg of analgin. On the other hand, all three liquid extract samples of Coptis have antibacterial effect against ten test bacteria. So our experiments showed that traditional processing methods have both practical and scientific significance.

Keywords: Coptis chinensis Franch.; traditional processing methods.

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