Tạp chí

NGHIÊN CỨU FLAVONOID TRONG PHƯƠNG ĐAN CHI TIÊU GIAO (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 14, số 5/2009)

NGHIÊN CỨU FLAVONOID TRONG PHƯƠNG ĐAN CHI TIÊU GIAO (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 14, số 5/2009)


Study on Flavonoid in  Dan Chi Tieu Dao Remedy

Dan chi tieu giao is a remedy being composed of the herbs available in Tieu giao recip and supplemented with Salvia miltiorrhiza for treating the chronic and acute hepatitis, dyspepsia, tiredness... However, the remedy was only prepared following the traditional experiences, and the herbs used in the remedy were not standardized yet. The preliminary study results inform about the flavonoid component of the herba camponents and of the remedy.


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