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Tác dụng chống oxy hoá in vitro và in vivo của dịch chiết ethyl acetat từ Hà thủ ô đỏ

Tác dụng chống oxy hoá in vitro và in vivo của dịch chiết ethyl acetat từ Hà thủ ô đỏ

The in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities of the ethyl acetate extract from Radix Polygoni multiflori

Ha thu o – Radix Polygoni multiflori is considered as an “elixir in the Vietnamese Traditional Medicine” since the ancient time.

This paper presented the remarkable antioxidant effects of the AcOET extract from Radix Polygoni multiflori with evidences obtained from various antioxidant tests: Inhibition of lipid peroxidation in cell hemogenates, of anion superoxide production, stimulation of SOD activity using Ransod kits. The extract protected the splenocytes from H22- induced - injuries and protected brain cells from oxidative stress caused by an ischemia/reperfusion course.

These results suggested that application of Radix Polygoni multiflori as antioxidant agent will be beneficial in prevention and treatment of diseases of the elderly.

Keywords: Antioxidant, Radix Polygoni multiflori, DPPH, anion superoxide, ischemia reperfusion.

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