Studying the Influence of Trinitrozotoluen and the Protective Effects of Selenium
on Antioxydant Enzyme System in the Vietnamese
After testing on the volunteer, we have observed the effects of selennium drug on the health of workers exposed to TNT through changes of biochemical parameters before and after treatment. The results showed that selenium drug can improve the health of workers.
In this study, SH- group content, has increased after treatment selenium drug. Glutathion peroxydase (GPx) activity and Superoxyde dismutase have returned to normal. So selenium is a component of the unusual amino acids selenocysteine and selenomethionine. In humans, selenium is a trace element nutrient which functions ascofactor for reduction of antioxydant enzymes such as glutathione peroxydases so that it decreases partially the damaging effects of of toxycs and improves health. Besides, selenium may help to prevent cancer by acting as an antioxydant or by enhancing immune activity. Not all studies agree to the anti-cancer effects of selenium. Selenium normally acts as an antioxydant, so low levels of it may decrease oxydative stress on the immune system leading to rapid improvement of the immune system.
Keywords: TNT, antioxydant, glutathion peroxydase (GPx), selenium, selenomethionine, selenocysteine.
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