Tạp chí

SUBCHRONIC TOXYCITY AND ANTI-OBESITY EFFECTS (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 14, số 4/2009)

SUBCHRONIC TOXYCITY AND ANTI-OBESITY EFFECTS (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 14, số 4/2009)


Subchronic Toxycity and Anti-obesity Effects of a Formula from Green Tea and Lotus Leaves


In previous study, it was shown that a combination from green tea Camellia sinensis and lotus leaves Nelumbo nucifera extracts (CT1) could be effective for treatment of obesity [1]. As a continuation of our study of the formula on its safety and  effects in weight body control, subchronic toxycity and anti-obesity effects of the formula were evaluated in a 9-week study in mice. Mice fed on high fat food (HF) and concomitantly given 0.6 g/kg, 1.2 g/kg and 2.4g/kg of CT1 gained significantly less body weight than that of control animal fed on HF diet alone during a 9-week experimental period. For the subchronic toxycity effects, each group of 30 mice received CT1 [containing green tea Camellia sinensis and lotus leaves Nelumbo nucifera extracts (1:1)] 0.6 g/kg or distilled water by oral gavage for 9 weeks. Most of biochemical and hematological parameters did not alter significantly in all treated mice. Thus, the results indicate a low subchronic toxycity and confirm the anti-obesity effect of the tested CT1 formula in mice.

Keywords: Anti-obesity; Camellia sinensis; Nelumbo nucifera, high fat diet

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