Tạp chí

Những đặc điểm sinh thái cơ bản của sâm Ngọc Linh

Những đặc điểm sinh thái cơ bản của sâm Ngọc Linh

Ecological Characteristics of Panax vietnamensis Ha et Grushv.

Panax vietnamensis Ha et Grushv. is an endemic species of Vietnam and only found in the Ngoclinh mountain belonging to Kontum and Quangnam provinces.

Being hygrophilous and slightly sciophilous this plant frequently occurs in humus rich and humid soils in the shade of the evergreen-closed forests, at 1,800 – 2,200 m in altitude. The plant often withers in the winter and grows in the next spring; good regeneration of the plant by seeds and from the rhizomes.

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