Tạp chí

Tác dụng chống viêm gan và ức chế xơ gan của thuốc hypatin bào chế từ lá cây ban tròn (Hypericum patulum Thunb. ex murray)-(Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 15, số 4/2010)

Tác dụng chống viêm gan và ức chế xơ gan của thuốc hypatin bào chế từ lá cây ban tròn (Hypericum patulum Thunb. ex murray)-(Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 15, số 4/2010)



\n\tAnti-Hepatitis and Cirrhosis Inhibitory Effect of Hypatin Extracted from Leaves of  Hypericum patulum Thunb. ex Murray


\n\tLiver cirrhosis is often consequence of chronic alcohol abuse, but may be also the result of previous infection with hepatitis B, C, D. As liver cirrhosis is an intractable disease, the treatment of cirrhosis is aimed at stopping or delaying its progression, minimizing the damage to liver cells, and reducing complications.


\n\tHypatin - total flavonoid extracted from Hypericum patulum Thunb. ex Murray (HP) have exhibited hepatoprotective effect, anti-oxydant and inhibitory effect on the progression of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis caused by injection of CClfor prolonged period in mice.


\n\tOral administration of doses 125mg and 250mg/kg of body weight reduced significantly the extent of increase in activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT: 25.44% and 17.61%), aspartate aminotransferase (AST: 23.90% and 26.63%) and bilirubin content (1.96%  and 10.41%)  induced by CCl4 in comparison with that in untreated mice.


\n\tOral administration of the doses 125mg and 250mg/kg body weight reduced significantly by 10.76% (P<0.05) and 15.24% (P<0.001)  the increase in content of hepatic collagen as well as  by 21.38% and 13.65 of MDA content, alleviated histologically the cirrhosis and necrosis of liver cells.




\n\tKey-words: Hypatin; hepatoprotective effect; anti-chronic hepatitis; anti-cirrhosis; Hypericum patulum Thunb. ex Murray.

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