Tạp chí

Nghiên cứu các thành phần có hoạt tính sinh học trong nọc rắn hổ mang Naja naja

Nghiên cứu các thành phần có hoạt tính sinh học trong nọc rắn hổ mang Naja naja


The Vietnamese cobra venom (N.naja) was separated into seven fractions by column chromatography on Sephacryl S-100. These fractions had different anti-bacterium, anti-fungus and toxic activities, but they were not toxic on three cancer cell lines. The most toxic fraction had molecular mass in range of 6-7 kDa, that similar to neurotoxins isolated from venom of Taiwan cobra. The content of the toxic fractions depend on their collecting time, it was rich in the hibemant time of snake. 

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