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Xác định hai chủng men trong dịch chiết lá xoài Việt Nam

Xác định hai chủng men trong dịch chiết lá xoài Việt Nam


Identification of two Varieties of  Enzymes

in Vietnam Mango Leaf Extract

In the Vietnam mango leaves, there are many kinds of microorganisms. Bacteria and enzyme are in the priority. When isolating them to enrich the benefit enzyme elements in the extract, we gain the satisfied result: the amount of mangiferin active substance increases from 80,02 % (according to proof samples) to 89% and the productivity of extraction from 1,06 % (according to proof samples) to 1,56%.  This proves that the existence of enzymes in VN mango leaves has affected positively the quality of mango leaf extract in the process to obtain mangiferin. Among them, there are two varieties with significant amount. The results from morphology particularities and biochemistry activities have given us the basis to identify them  as Candida tsucubaensis and Sporobolomyces roseus.

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