Study on Bioactivities of Starfish (Archaster typicus), Holothurian (Holothuria vagabunda), Sea urchin (Echinodermata calamathrix) in Vietnam
Three types of EtOH extract from different sea animals, Starfish (Archaster typicus), Holothurian (Holothuria vagabunda), and Sea urchin(Echinothrix calamaris), were investigated. Cytotoxic activity was studied upon mouse spleen lymphocytes and immunomodulatory activities were studied upon mouse peritoneal macrophages. The results showed that extract from Holothurian (Holothuria vagabunda) can inhibit intracellular esterase activity up to 30-40% at concentration 100 mg/ml and inhibit ROS formation in macrophages up to around 20% from control level. Extract from Starfish (Archaster typicus) and Sea urchin (Echinothrix calamaris) showed increasing of lysosomal activity of macrophages up to 10% above control level in the concentration range of 10-30 mg/ml and exhibited weak induction of ROS formation around 10-15% above control level at concentration range of 0.1-10 mg/ml.
Keyworks: Archaster typicus, Holothuria vagabunda, Echinothrix calamaris, Cytotoxic activity, immunomodulatory activities
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