Tạp chí

Khảo sát tinh dầu ngò tây lá xoắn (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 15, số 5/2010)

Khảo sát tinh dầu ngò tây lá xoắn (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 15, số 5/2010)



\n\tStudy of Pasley Oil (Apium petroselinum L. var. crispum) 


\n\tParsley, Apium petroselinum L. var. crispum, a biannual plant original in Europe and Western of Asia, has been  grown in Dalat. The oil chemical composition of seed and all of the other parts of this plant were determinated by GC–MS method. The main constituents of these oils are myristicine (64,09 % in leaf, 78,09 % in seed) and apiole (57,81 % in root). We used two methods for activating of hydrodistillation: conventional heating and microwave irradiation, in two cases, microwave irradiation hydrodistillation always give the higher yield in shorter time. In the case of conventional heating hydro distillation, the oil contents of the organs of the parley are difference (0,1915 % in root, 0,3015 % in leaf, and 3,7982 in seed).


\n\tKey words: Apium petroselinum L. var. crispum, myristicine, apiole, hydrodistillation, microwave irradiation

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