Determining the Scientific Name of Medicinal Plants in the Remedy Treating Tumor of Tay people, Luc Yen District, Yen Bai Province
"Dai thien nuong", a remedy for treating tumor of Tay people in Luc Yen district, Yen Bai province including 5 species of medicinal plants. By morphological analysing, we have determined all of them for scientific name. They are Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum Turcz. (Verbenaceae); Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze (Lamiaceae); Ficus hispida L.f. (Moraceae); Mallotus apelta (Lour.) Muell.-Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) and Canarium bengalense Roxb. (Burseraceae). For each species in the remedy, we also provided the data on description, distribution and ecological characteristic.
This result play as a first step for further study on chemical composition, pharmacological, and biological actions of "Dai thien nuong" remedy.
Key words: Dai thien nuong remedy, determination of scientific name, treating tumor.
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