Tạp chí

Xây dựng mô hình nghiên cứu thuốc chống trầm cảm trên tế bào thần kinh vỏ não nuôi cấy nguyên phát và tế bào NG 108-5 (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 16, số 5/2011)

Xây dựng mô hình nghiên cứu thuốc chống trầm cảm trên tế bào thần kinh vỏ não nuôi cấy nguyên phát và tế bào NG 108-5 (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 16, số 5/2011)



\n\tEstablishment of the Cell Culture Model to Study Anti-deprepssion Effect on


\n\tPrimary Culture Cortical Cells and NG 108-5 Cell Line


\n\tIn vivo model are ideal for studying the effects of drugs on all of living subjects. However, they are limited in being able to explore cellular and molecular mechanisms of drugs. Culture models have improved these disadvantages. In this study, we establish the cell culture model to study anti-depression effect of imipramine, an antidepressant and hypericin that extracted from Hypericum perforatum L. acclimatized Vietnam using BNIP-3 gene as the depression factor. The result shows that both imipramine and hypericin significantly stimulated the expression level of BNIP-3 gene in the primary culture cortical cell and NG 108-15 cell line without effect on β-actin expression level. In conclusion, the cell culture was established to evalutate screening/molecular mechanism of antidepression effect. Futhermore, Hypericum perforatum L. acclimatized Vietnam is the potential candidate for studying the antidepressant in Vietnam.


\n\tKeywords: Anti-depression; primary culture cortical cell; NG 108-15; BNIP-3; hypericin; imipramine.

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