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BỔ SUNG MỘT LOÀI CÂY THUỐC CHO HỆ THỰC VẬT VIỆT NAM - BAN WIGHT (Hypericum wightianum Wall. ex Wight et Arn.) - Clusiaceae

BỔ SUNG MỘT LOÀI CÂY THUỐC CHO HỆ THỰC VẬT VIỆT NAM - BAN WIGHT (Hypericum wightianum Wall. ex Wight et Arn.) - Clusiaceae

\n\tA New Recorded Medicinal Plant for Flora of Vietnam – Hypericum wightianum (Clusiaceae)


\n\tHypericum wightianum, a medicinal plant of Vietnam that was described and inlustrated from Pho Bang (Ha Giang) and Sin Ho (Lai Chau). It’s a new report for Flora of Vietnam. An annually herb, 10 – 20cm high; leaves, sepals and bracts with stalked black glands and two like-star stalked black glands; three stamen groups of 7 – 9 each.


\n\tIt differs from Hypericum petiolatum by leaves, sepals and bracts with stalked black glands; from H. napaulense by carpels 3, leaves and bracts with two like-star stalked black glands at base.


\n\tKeywords: Hypericum wightianum, a medicinal plant, a new report.

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