Tạp chí

Chọn dòng thanh hao hoa vàng trên vườn ươm, đồng ruộng và in vitro (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 15, số 6/2010)

Chọn dòng thanh hao hoa vàng trên vườn ươm, đồng ruộng và in vitro (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 15, số 6/2010)



\n\tSelection of Elite Clones of Artemisia annua L. in the Nursery, in the Field, and in vitro 


\n\tSelection of elite clones in the field was the first barrier to obtain the materials for in vitro research. In the high land region of Da lat City, field testing was carried out on 20 Jan - 30 Jun 2009 (short day), and selected 2 clones TC1.136 and TC2.29 having the artemisinin content of 1.470% and 1.297% in leaves analyzed. The basic medium LV was favoured for in vitro selection. Two clones of TC1.8 and TC2.1 were expressed the characteristics of parential clones of dwarf-stem clone and high-stem clone selected from the nursery. The method of in vitro selection was adopted to conditions of tropical selection. Two elite clones were expressed the capacity in micropropagation, callus initiation, and callus regeneration in the same conditions in vitro.


\n\tKey words: Artemisia annua L., clones, callus, micropropagation.

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