Tạp chí

Điều tra kinh nghiệm sử dụng cây thuốc của đồng bào dân tộc Dao xã Hợp Tiến, huyện Đồng Hỷ, Thái Nguyên (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 16, số 3/2011)

Điều tra kinh nghiệm sử dụng cây thuốc của đồng bào dân tộc Dao xã Hợp Tiến, huyện Đồng Hỷ, Thái Nguyên (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 16, số 3/2011)



\n\tInvestigation of Experiences in Using Medicinal Plants of Ethnic Dao at Hop Tien Commune, Dong Hy District, Thai Nguyen Province


\n\tThe flora of Vietnam is very rich and diverse. Among many species of plants have been used by our people for different purposes in their lives since the old day, especially plants used for medicine. In 54 ethnic groups of Vietnam, ethnic Dao always get attention by which indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants. In Thai Nguyen, ethnic Dao is distributed mainly in Phu Luong and Dong Hy. In Hop Tien commune, Dong Hy district, ethnic Dao is the highest percentage, representing 90,2 % of the total population in the study area. Therefore, the investigation of experience in using plant medicines of ethnic Dao at Hop Tien commune which will contribute to the protection of indigenous intellectual capital, contributing some treatment methods. Results of our study, weve collected 89 traditional folk remedies to treat 22 different diseases group. According to the Red Data Book of Vietnam, there are 12 endangered species for protection in the study area.

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