Tạp chí

KẾT QUẢ ĐIỀU TRA SƠ BỘ TÌNH HÌNH SỬ DỤNG (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 14, số 6/2009)

KẾT QUẢ ĐIỀU TRA SƠ BỘ TÌNH HÌNH SỬ DỤNG (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 14, số 6/2009)





\n\t Investigation of Pesticide Use in the Cultivation of  Medicinal Herbs


\n\t in Some Provinces of Viet Nam




\n\tIn the research, the authors investigated pesticide use at 5 communes in four provinces of Viet Nam. There were 24 species of medicinal herbs grown at the 5 studied communes. Almost all of them contracted some diseases and 100 pesticides were used in to repel these diseases. Insecticides were the most common and accounted for 79% of the pesticides, while plant growth regulators was the least common. In addition to pesticide, several other common traditional methods were still used to kill insects and to treat diseases. The classification of pesticides based on chemical structure showed that organophosphorus (OP) and pyrethroid (PY) groups were the main active compounds of common pesticides used in the cultivation of medicinal herbs (accounted for 23% and 21% of pesticides, respectively). On the other hand, organochlorine (OC) group was used least (accounted for 3%).




\n\tAlthough two pesticides, Endosol and Thasodan 35 EC, contain endosulfane, a substance listed in the catalogue of banned pesticides in Viet Nam (2009), these products were still used in the cultivation of medicinal herbs.


\n\tKey words: Pesticides, Insecticides, medicinal herbs.


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