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Nghiên cứu tách, chiết và sử dụng toxin có hoạt tính sinh học từ nọc rắn hổ mang Việt Nam

Nghiên cứu tách, chiết và sử dụng toxin có hoạt tính sinh học từ nọc rắn hổ mang Việt Nam

\n\tStudy of Extraction and Application of Biologically Active Toxins from Vietnamese


\n\tNaja naja Venom


\n\tBiologically active components have been extracted from snake venom using column chromatography with superdex – 75, enzyme and toxin preparations have been obtained. The pilot production of massage cream with purified toxin extracted from Naja naja venom and water – soluble excipients has been carried out: “Natox” cream.


\n\t  “Natox” cream, in addition to antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is effective in the treatment of neuralgia, myalgia, myositis and chronic arthralgia. In comparison with massage cream made from crude snake venom, “Natox” cream has analgesic effect occuring two fold more rapidly.

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