Tạp chí

Tác dụng kiểu nội tiết tố sinh dục nữ của saponin chiết từ thân rễ cát lồi (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 17, số 2/2012)

Tác dụng kiểu nội tiết tố sinh dục nữ của saponin chiết từ thân rễ cát lồi (Tạp chí Dược liệu, tập 17, số 2/2012)

\n\tEstrogenic Effects of Saponins from Costus speciosus Rhizome


\n\tIn the aim of finding natural resources of phytoestrogens, the study determined estrogenic effects of saponins from Costus speciosus rhizome on naïve mice and ovariectomized mice. Estrogenic effects were examined by early vaginal opening in immature mice and by estrous cyclicity in vaginal smear of mature mice or ovariectomized mice. The plasma 17b-estradiol content and the weight of reproductive organs were also determined. Genistein (subcutaneous injection, 25 mg/kg) was used as positive control.


\n\tTwo-week oral administration of Costus speciosus saponins (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg) induced early vaginal opening in immature mice. In vaginal smear checking, saponin-treated mice spent more time in estrus phase (persistent cornification of the estrus smears). Costus speciosussaponin-treated mice also showed estrogenic effect on development of uterus and mammary glands. In ovariectomized mice, the plasma 17b-estradiol content in Costus speciosus saponin-treated mice restored to the normal level as compared to untreated mice. The findings will be useful for advanced study on Costus speciosus rhizome as a resource of phytoestrogens.


\n\tKeywords: Costus speciosus rhizome, saponin, estrogenic effect, ovariectomized mice, 17b-estradiol content.

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