Tạp chí

Tác dụng tăng cường thể lực của rễ củ cây sâm báo

Tác dụng tăng cường thể lực của rễ củ cây sâm báo

\n\tThe study was carried out on 3 experimental models: effect on mouse’s body weight, time of forced swimming and time of perfomance on rota-rod. The study results showed that:


\n\tExtracts of radix Hibisci sagittifolii in dose 10g/kg B.W increased the time of forced swimming and time of performance but did not affect the body weight compared to control.


\n\tAqueous extract of radix Hibisci sagittifolii had better effect than ethanol extract in the same dose10g/kg and had the same effect as Panax ginseng 5g/kg.


\n\tKey words: Hibiscus sagittifolius, time of forced swimming, time of performance.

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